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Seashells 002

Seashells 002

Seashells 002

Seashells 002
DIY - Do It Yourself
DIY - Do It Yourself
DIY - Do It Yourself
DIY - Do It Yourself

Perfection Fennel BG
Needs sun, water, fertile soil, but much easier than celery. Root disturbance will cause bolting, so direct-sow or use pots unless you want seed rather than stem bulb. Mulching with compost will help with both. Harvest bulbs when large and heavy, before seedheads form. Annual/ Spacing 12".
FUNCHO, Erva-Doce, Fenouil, Fernel (Foeniculum Vulgare)
Needs sun, water, fertile soil, but much easier than celery (Aipo).
Root disturbance will cause bolting, so direct-sow or use pots unless you want seed rather than stem bulb. Mulching with compost will help with both. Harvest bulbs when large and heavy, before seedheads form. Annual/ Spacing 12".
Funcho (Erva-doce) - plantar fundo (quer escuro).
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